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Episode 072: Honoring Your Parents When They Don’t Embrace Your Call to Missions


Feb 13, 2018

Anna recounts how her choice to serve in missions impacted her relationship with her parents. She tells how prayer, waiting on God, and trusting in Him helped her honor her parents and follow God’s call. Anna offers advice and encouragement to young people who may be in a similar situation.

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14 + 13 =

After graduating from university, Anna served in East Asia for a year as an English teacher at a college, ministering to students and the local community. The Lord called her back to her home country, and she is now working full-time as a Missions Mobilization Coordinator. She is in the process of completing her Masters of Theological Studies in Development.

In this Episode:

  • Anna helps people who are interested in missions discern where God might be leading them.
  • Anna’s mother is a Christian but her father isn’t. Anna grew up in a family that did not really value global missions.
  • Anna observes that it can be difficult for some young adults to commit to long-term missions because of parental expectations.
  • During university, Anna was impacted by a 2 week short-term mission in Asia and felt called by God to return to Asia in full-time missions.  
  • Anna’s parents were opposed to her returning to Asia. They viewed her decision as quite foolish.
  • Anna felt torn between God’s call to go to Asia and God’s command to honor her parents.
  • As Anna spent fervent time in prayer, God began to change her heart and attitude towards her parents. She began to see her parents not as an obstacle or a barrier, but as her ministry. 
  • Anna committed to pray for her parents – that he would change their hearts and lead them to know that he would take care of Anna. She prayed that God would help her to stay obedient and to continue to patiently wait for God’s timing.
  • Through this experience Anna learned the power of prayer and saw how God transforms people’s hearts through prayer. Anna also learned how to humbly wait on the Lord and trust in His sovereignty and plan.
  • God changed Anna’s parents hearts. Her parents moved from saying “no” to “yes”. This was followed by her parents’ blessing, enthusiasm, and financial support.
  • God faithfully answered many spoken and unspoken prayers. God helped Anna depeen her relationship with her parents, and provided what she needed for every step. God has shown his faithfulness in helping Anna fulfill her calling.
  • Anna encourages young people to see their parents as people who are on a faith journey. They are people who need to be ministered to by you.
  • Anna encourages young people to be patient and don’t take lightly God’s command to honour your parents. Commit to praying for God to change your own attitude first, and your parent’s heart as well.
  • Anna encourages young people to wait on the Lord. If God is truly calling you, the calling won’t die.
  • Anna recommends listening to John Piper’s interview “My Parents Say Missions is a Waste of American Blessings”.
  • The Global Missions Podcast Episode ”Following the Call When Your Family Isn’t On Board” with Tiffany Godbey is also relevant.
  • To contact Anna, email the Global Missions Podcast at

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