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Episode 074: Exploring the Value of a Church Vision Trip

Simon Marrable

Mar 13, 2018

Simon Marrable describes how vision trips can lead to incredible long-term relationships and partnerships. He encourages church leaders to consider whether a vision trip may be right for their church.

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Simon Marrable is a Church Partnership Mobilzer at SIM Canada. Simon loves partnering with churches to see how they can grow and flourish in understanding world missions. Simon Marrable and his family live in Toronto, Ontario.

    In this Episode:

  • A vision trip offers a chance to explore opportunities to build and partner with missionaries overseas. A vision trip is an opportunity to introduce leaders from churches in a home nation to missions overseas.
  • Simon encourages leaders in churches to connect on the field with missionaries they are supporting to find out what is happening on the field and learn about new opportunities.
  • Those who go on vision trips should go to learn – not to solve a problem or offer advice. It is important to build a relational connection with those overseas before considering inputting into their lives.
  • The ideal candidates for a vision trip are pastors, church leaders, and mission committee leaders.   
  • A vision trip is a very intense time of learning. The church leadership knows the DNA of their church are well positioned to evaluate potential ministry opportunities.
  • A partner on the field needs to resonate with the people from the home country and vice versa. It’s a two-way conversation.
  • A vision trip is the potential beginning of a long-term relationship. We need to be aiming for a long-term ongoing connection between the home country and the partner overseas.
  • Simon suggests articulating a partnership in a document that is regularly reviewed.
  • Listening and learning is very important.
  • It can also be valuable for those from the field to visit the home country.
  • Learn more about cross-cultural partnerships on Episode 020: Doing Cross Cultural Partnerships Well with Mary Lederleitner.
  • The benefits of a vision trip for sending churches are incredible relationships, finding opportunities to partner, and identifying and assisting people from the home church that God is calling to missions.
  • Learn more about identifying mission leaders by listening to Episode 063: How Your Church Can Identify New Mission Workers with Paul Seger
  • Vision trips can be a good investment. The encouragement, partnership, and experience far outweighs the cost.
  • Vision trips can be very encouraging to believers overseas.
  • Simon encourages churches to be open to the idea of a church vision trip. He encourages churches to search the DNA and missions thrust of their church, to look for an area where that emphasis is relevant, pursue it, and to take a vision trip to explore possibilities.
  • Simon is open to talking with guests about opportunities with SIM Canada. He can be reached at or at 416-520-7157.

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