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Episode 091: Balancing Local and Global Mission Priorities

Doug Christgau

Oct 30, 2018

Experienced mission leader Doug Christgau offers wise advice for churches about how to create a healthy balance between local and global mission priorities.

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Doug Christgau has served as a mission pastor in 3 churches over the past 34 years. During that time his churches have sent dozens of long-term missionaries. He has personally led over 100 short-term mission trips. Doug is the Pastor of Outreach at Valley Community Baptist Church. He also instructs the Perspectives Course and speaks at mission conferences. Doug and his wife Christine have 2 children and 11 grandchildren.

In this Episode:

  • Churches need to give attention to both local and global ministry.
  • God’s heart for the world is expressed throughout scripture. Global outreach is a Biblical mandate.
  • Acts 1:8 is not a sequential list. It is an expression of God’s heart for the whole world.
  • Local and global ministry need to be pursued simultaneously.
  • We must be concerned both for our friends and neighbors, and for those who live in an environment where the gospel isn’t readily available.
  • Churches struggle with balancing local and global ministry because of the abundance of information about what is happening locally. It takes an extra effort to learn more about global missions.
  • Churches in North America also wish to “make a difference” locally in a very evident way. They can become overwhelmed with global need.
  • Churches need to prayerfully identify their priorities in global missions.
  • It is important that leaders of the local church have input into global missions priorities.
  • The Perspectives Course provides a great educational foundation for global missions.
  • Missions consultants such as Ellen Livingood of Catalyst Services can take churches through a process in identifying mission priorities.
  • Mission priorities can also be informed by the potential of individuals in the local congregation for mission work.
  • Short-term missions need to be carried out in partnership with people and organizations that the church has a vested interest in.
  • Churches should limit the number of partnerships to a manageable size.
  • Doug encourages churches to consider their ratio of domestic and international partnerships.
  • Without intentionality the missions program will migrate towards the immediate context.
  • Doug recommends that churches evaluate the budget on an annual basis to ensure that financial planning reflects priorities.
  • Doug recommends Mission Frontiers from Frontier Ventures as a helpful resource.
  • For a church to be strategic some commitments may need to end.   
  • Leaders must keep the balance of local and global mission priorities an active conversation. Leaders must keep the process moving forward and take action.
  • Doug can be reached at
  • Remember that missions is not only for young people.

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