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Episode 094: How Churches Can Build Healthy Relationships With Mission Workers - Part 2 of 2

Matthew Philip

Dec 4, 2018

In part 2 of this 2-part conversation, Matthew Philip shares more lessons about how churches can build healthy relationships with mission workers. He talks about developing written plans, creating room for innovation, and raising up advocacy teams.

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Mathew Philip is the Director of Global Outreach at Trinity Church in Lansing, Michigan. His role includes forming volunteer-teams to lead Trinity Church’s mission engagement in many countries. Matthew focuses on equipping the people of his church to engage with missions, mission partners, and global friends.

In this Episode:

Lessons on How Churches Can Build Healthy Relationships with Mission Workers.

  1. Write field plans.
  • The writing of field plans is a western concept that helps the missionary figure out what success looks like. Field plans put a time frame on that success. A field plan articulates a clear vision and helps missionaries thrive. The process of writing field plans brings a sense of purpose and energy.
  • Related Episode: “077: What is Success in Missions” – Ken Guenther”
  • The mission worker writes the first draft. This gives control to the worker and is liberating. The field plan is a short document with key ideas as to what success would look like. The team knows how to champion the worker better through this document. It’s for the person’s success, not monitoring! It is life-giving. The team can informally bring up the field plan in conversation to help the worker thrive.
  1. Be flexible and create room for innovation.
  • Many best laid plans don’t turn out the way we want them to. It’s more important to stay in step with the Spirit than to create reports for sending back to headquarters. An encouraging attitude is important as we step forward.
  1. Raise up advocacy teams.
  • Each mission worker/partner has their own advocacy team of 10-20 people. The mission leader and the committee have to allow for the inefficiency of having other people be responsible for the relationship with the mission worker even though this has traditionally been the responsibility of the missions committee.
  • The role of leadership in the church is to equip the saints. The advocacy teams take on a “shepherding” role. These teams will eventually know more than any leader or committee could know about their missionaries.
  • The missions leader/committee supports and invests in the advocacy teams. The personal relationship that is built between missionaries and their advocacy team helps the missionaries to thrive on field.
  • -The church looks for 4 leaders initially. These leaders care for the needs of their worker. This lightens the load of the missions committee leader. It also helps increase finances that can go towards the missionary and elsewhere in the mission of God.
  • Leadership needs to trust these lay leaders as partners! The missions committee has clear communication lines, expectations, and open conversations with their team leaders. This helps create even better relationships between the advocacy team and their missionaries!
  • It’s best to find 4 team leaders (couples and singles) and then let them build the community of other leaders (20-30).

Last Words:

  • Be willing to learn from other churches in your community. Get to know their missions program. Learn how to be of service to them. Ask yourself what behaviors you are practicing to step out of rhythms and increase unity.
  • Engage in the life of your mission workers, church members, and people in your city. God seems to bless that. New ideas come up and God continues to expand ministry.


  • Talk to other mission committees!! Listen to one another and see what God is doing!
  • Talk to mission agencies!! Partner!
  • Ask your global partners how your church can be a better sending church, how your missionaries can be better missionaries, and how you can engage better. Your global partners have a lot to share!!
  • Be a learner. This is a dynamic process!

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