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Episode 096: How Pastors Can Share in Short-Term Missions

Randy Smart

Jan 1, 2019

Pastor Randy Smart has personally participated in several short-term missions. In this episode Randy shares highlights, challenges, and lessons learned from his short-term missions experience. If you’re a pastor or are part of a missions committee, we think this episode will be both informative and inspiring!

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Pastor Randy Smart was born and raised in Southern Ontario and is a graduate of Briercrest Bible College and Briercrest Biblical Seminary. He began pastoral service in 1979 and married Cindy in 1980. Randy has served at Bethel Bergthaler Mennonite Church near Winkler, Manitoba since 2002.

In this Episode:

  1. What was your first short-term mission and what led you to go?
  • The first trip was to Tamil-Nadu in southeast India, with a mission agency that helps local churches in their evangelism and discipleship programs with children and youth. The ministry in India was hosting a group of people to see and hear for themselves the work that was happening. Randy and Cindy were invited to go along through church members who were connected with this ministry. They went to see and hear first-hand what God was doing there.
  1. How did this first mission trip impact you?
  • On a personal level it made Randy realize the privileges that North Americans have. It made him aware of some of the things that we take for granted – like sewers, traffic, smells, and everyday life.
  • Randy came to realize that scripture is applicable to all people of all cultures, although obedience to scripture may look different depending on the context.
  • Randy got to experience the diversity of the Body of Christ.
  • Randy came back from the trip with a greater appreciation of the diversity of the Body of Christ. The trip gave him a greater desire to help expand awareness in the local church of what it means to be part of the bigger body of believers and to encourage the partnerships with foreign ministries.
  1. Can you give us an overview of the short- term missions trips you’re participated in since the first trip?
  • Randy and Cindy had the opportunity to travel to Kenya, Tanzania, and 3 other African countries with another couple to encourage pastors there.
  • They also have gone to Peru to help assist churches in caring for impoverished families.
  • The last short-term mission was to the Middle East where they heard about/from persecuted believers.
  1. Does your wife Cindy travel on every trip with you and how does that work?
  • It’s great for Randy and Cindy to get to experience together what God’s doing in the world. The way they relate to people in other contexts is complimentary.
  1. Why do you continue to travel on short-term missions?
  • Randy gets the opportunity to share first-hand experiences and information with his church back home! It’s helped enlarge his congregation’s awareness of the universal church and gain new insights and energy for ministry at home and abroad.
  • All of the short-term missions come out of opportunities related to church missions partnerships.
  • Related Episode: Episode 054: The Impact of Short Term Missions on Pastors
  1. What are some highlights you’d like to share from your missions experiences?
  • Randy enjoys meeting with pastors in their local settings. He had the great opportunity to share with pastors in Kenya. He had to change the way he presented the information, which was a challenge. He made some really great connections with the pastors through this experience. Pastor Randy’s church has 5 E’s: Exalt Christ, Equip for service, Edify one another, Evangelize the lost, Extend Christ’s love in practical ways.
  1. What are some challenges?
  • Making adjustments to a different way of life. Being flexible in practical matters. Being culturally aware so as to not offend hosts and being gracious and sensitive to them.
  1. What has God taught you through all of these experiences?
  • Be very careful not to simply recommend a North American solution to the situations observed or discussed in another culture. Even though there is a shared love for the Bible, the assumptions and approach to the Biblical priorities on the field may be different than in North America. The methods of partners on the field need to communicate in the culture where they live and present Jesus Christ.
  • The second thing Randy has learned is that after he returns from the mission field he needs to ponder how to advise the Missions Committee and others in a thoughtful way about how to effectively partner with believers on the field.
  • It is important to inform the larger church family of what you have seen and heard.
  1. How have these short-term missions helped you in your role as a pastor?
  • Church members at Randy’s church say that his participation in short-term missions has made an impact on them. They reported that Randy’s participation in missions has helped them enlarge their view of the needs of others around the world. It has also encouraged them to invest in the world around them.

Last Word to Pastors

  • Randy encourages pastors to participate in short- term missions! Never dismiss the possibility or benefit of going. Mission agencies can sometimes help with finances. When pastors come back from short-term missions excited and informed, their people will become more aware and more excited as well.


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