Conversation. Discovery. Action.

A show for Christ-followers who want to participate more effectively in God’s work both at home and to the ends of the earth.

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May 22, 2024

Our conversation with Kyle Farran focuses on caring for missionaries by helping them serve from the heart. Kyle shares practical tips like using evaluation tools before sending missionaries overseas, providing ongoing coaching calls, and encouraging rest. For both missionaries and their supporters, Kyle offers insights on developing an overflow of holiness, humility and faith through prioritizing one's relationship with Christ.

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Kyle Farran grew up as a missionary kid in Papua New Guinea. Kyle, together with his wife and 3 daughters has served as a missionary since 2007. He first served for 8 years in South Africa, where he started an HIV/AIDS Hospice Care Home and trained Zulu pastors. Since 2015 Kyle has served as a Regional Director for ABWE, living in East Africa and now in Lisbon, Portugal where he serves the ABWE missionaries in several European countries. Kyle is the author of the 2022 book “Overflowing: Ministry and Missions That Flow From The Heart”. Kyle has a passion to help others to “taste and see that the LORD is good” and to “keep [their] heart with all vigilance 

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